Chilean Swimmer dubbed the ‘Ice Mermaid’ Sets World Record for Longest Swim in Antarctic Seas

In an effort to raise consciousness about the climate crisis and its effects on Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, Barbara Hernandez, 37, bravely entered waters that were approximately 2 degrees Celsius.

Breaking the Ice: Barbara Hernandez the ‘Ice Mermaid’ Sets a World Record in Antarctic Waters

Barbara Hernandez, a Chilean swimmer dubbed the “Ice Mermaid”, has achieved a remarkable feat. She swam 1.5 miles in Antarctic waters without wearing a wetsuit – setting a world record in the process. At 37 years old, Hernandez already holds several world records, and this latest achievement took her over 45 minutes to complete. The swim was grueling, as the waters she encountered measured 35.6 Fahrenheit (2 Celsius). According to Reuters, her goal was to raise awareness of the climate crisis and its effect on Antarctica and the Southern Ocean.

She boldly jumped into the frigid water wearing a regular bathing suit. This courageous feat was captured and shared by Now This on Twitter. Despite the extreme cold, she swam without the aid of a neoprene suit or any kind of protective grease.

Hernandez’s Historic Accomplishment in the Antarctic

For more than 10 years, swimming in Antarctica has been her dream. She can now make this dream a reality and become the first person to swim in Antarctic waters for 45 minutes in temperatures of 2 degrees Celsius. This feat has been internationally recognized as the longest swim ever in the Antarctic territory. She achieved a distance of 2.5 kilometers at the literal end of the world.

Hernandez stated that it took her three years of hard work to get ready for the job. Unfortunately, she ended up suffering from hypothermia and her body temperature dropped to 27 degrees Celsius.

Hernandez Breaks Guinness World Records in Drake Passage

Hernandez, a psychologist, was awarded by the Guinness World Records in June 2019 for completing the swiftest one-nautical mile swim across the Drake Passage, the body of water located between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans at Cabo de Hornos in Chile. She managed to do this in an impressive 15 minutes and three seconds, thus setting a new record for the ‘fastest mile swim of Drake Passage’.

Barbara Hernandez, the Chilean swimmer dubbed the ‘Ice Mermaid’, has achieved a remarkable feat. She swam 1.5 miles in the frigid Antarctic waters without a wetsuit, setting a world record in the process. Her goal was to raise awareness of the climate crisis, and her courageous feat was captured and shared on social media. Through her remarkable courage and determination, Barbara Hernandez has inspired people around the world and shown that anything is possible with enough dedication and hard work.


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