Russia’s shift towards Asia is evident in the increasing demand for Chinese language classes.

Burobin says Russians we’re learning the Chinese language because Beijing will be our key ally for years to come.

Chinese Language: The New Must-Have Skill in Russia

Move over French and Spanish, there’s a new language in town that’s taking the Russian job market by storm. With tensions between Russia and the West escalating, it’s no surprise that Moscow is looking to bolster its relationship with China. And what better way to do that than by learning the language of our new BFFs? Kirill Burobin, a Chinese language tutor, has seen demand for his services skyrocket over the past year as Russians scramble to learn Chinese.

But it’s not just a matter of making new friends – it’s also about economics. As Western sanctions continue to bite, Russia is becoming increasingly reliant on China for economic and technological development. The number of jobs requiring Chinese language skills has doubled in sales, transport, and logistics, as companies transition to using Chinese-made equipment and spare parts. And for those in the energy sector, demand for Chinese speakers has tripled, highlighting China’s growing importance in Russia’s energy market.

It’s clear that the pivot to Asia is a strategic move that will shape Russia’s future, and mastering Chinese is a key part of that. By developing our language skills and cultural understanding, we can build strong relationships with our new partners and foster economic growth. So, let’s put down the croissants and tapas, and pick up some dumplings and baozi – it’s time to learn Chinese!

The Future Belongs to the East: The Rise of Chinese Language Classes in Russia

Kirill Burobin, an Eastern civilizations student in Moscow, is experiencing a surge in demand for his Chinese language classes, and he is not alone. Russia is looking to strengthen its ties with China, making Chinese language skills an essential asset. According to Avito, Russia’s leading online classified ads platform, requests for Chinese lessons in Moscow have skyrocketed by 138% in one year and 350% in the far eastern city of Vladivostok.

Alina Khamlova, a language teacher, reports that more students are taking up Chinese than English, with some even hoping to study in Chinese universities. The reasons for learning Chinese are as varied as the students themselves, from cheaper clothing production costs to better-paying jobs for Europeans working in China.

As Russia pivots towards China and the East, the demand for Chinese language skills is only set to increase. With a whole new world of opportunities to explore, Russians are taking full advantage of this trend to broaden their horizons and secure their future. While English still holds a dominant position, the unstoppable rise of Chinese language classes is a clear sign that the future belongs to those who are ready to embrace it.

From Red to Mandarin: How the Chinese Language is Taking Over Russia Amidst West’s Divisiveness

Amidst a growing schism with the West, Russia is embracing the East and its language. Many language schools are expanding their curriculum to include the Chinese language. Chinese First, founded in 2017, has experienced an influx of students this year, with twice the number of enrollees as before. Wang Yinyu, a 38-year-old Chinese entrepreneur, and his Russian wife Natalia, a 33-year-old Chinese speaker, are capitalizing on this trend with their thriving family business. Wang plans to open two new branches and a kindergarten in Moscow, anticipating even more growth.

The increased demand for Chinese language skills stems from various factors, such as Chinese factories supplying goods to Russia due to sanctions. Additionally, Chinese entrepreneurs seeking to export to Russia require bilingual employees, providing more job opportunities for those with Chinese language proficiency. Wang views the flourishing ties between China and Russia as positive, citing the countries’ unique strengths in industry and natural resources as a basis for internal economic growth.

As Russia turns towards the East, proficiency in the Chinese language becomes an asset for citizens. Wang’s optimism about China and Russia’s partnership is palpable: “If we stand back-to-back, no one will defeat us.” With Chinese language classes rising to the forefront in Russia, it’s clear that embracing the East holds boundless opportunities for cultural and professional advancement. From Red to Mandarin, the Chinese language is taking over Russia one student at a time.


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