World of WarCraft 2024 – WoW Classic Server Populations | SmartTechGamer

Allow me to introduce you to the comprehensive server populations of WoW Classic for 2022. World of Warcraft stands as one of the most renowned and extensively played MMORPGs. The game has seen the release of eight significant expansion packs to date. However, if you’re curious about its original state before the arrival of the first expansion pack (Burning Crusade), World of Warcraft Classic is the way to go. It successfully blends the old and the new, offering the authentic nostalgic experience with a few modern enhancements, such as the option to purchase WoW gold to boost your gameplay.

What are some popular WoW Classic servers?

Here are some of the popular WoW Classic servers as of April 2024:

  • US West PvP servers:
    • Whitemane
    • Thunderfury
    • Fairbanks
    • Bigglesworth
    • Anathema
  • EU English PvP servers:
    • Firemaw
    • Ashbringer
    • Golemagg
    • Noggenfogger
    • Mograine
  • US East PvE servers:
    • Mankrik
    • Westfall
    • Pagle
    • Windseeker
    • Ashkandi

Please note that the popularity of servers can change over time and it’s always a good idea to check the latest server populations before making a decision. Also, if you’re looking for fresh Vanilla servers, a community organized fresh reroll just started on Deviate Delight.

What are the differences between PvP and PvE servers?

PvP (Player versus Player) and PvE (Player versus Environment) are two different types of servers in online games, each offering a unique gameplay experience:

  • PvP (Player versus Player) servers are where players compete against other players, engaging in combat and competition. These servers tend to be more fast-paced and intense. PvP focuses on micro-skills and the ability to engage in combat and outsmart human opponents. In some games, PvP gear may be scaled up to ensure balanced gameplay and fair competition between players.
  • PvE (Player versus Environment) servers, on the other hand, focus on players fighting against computer-controlled enemies and the game world rather than other players. These servers often require more strategic thinking and are designed for both single-player and online games, particularly MMORPGs, CORPGs, MUDs, and other online role-playing games. PvE involves macro-skills and the ability to navigate and overcome challenging computer-controlled enemies and tasks within the game world.

In a PvE server, the zones that do not belong to any faction are usually considered “neutral.” In some cases, players may have the option to flag themselves for PvP or engage in combat with other players. However, the main focus of PvE servers is not PvP, and engaging in combat with other players may require specific actions or conditions.

Please note that the choice between PvP and PvE often depends on your personal preference and playstyle. If you enjoy direct competition and intense matches, you might prefer PvP. If you prefer working together to overcome challenges set by the game, PvE might be more suitable.

How do I switch between PvP and PvE servers?

Switching between PvP and PvE servers in World of Warcraft Classic involves a process known as a character transfer. However, there are some restrictions to be aware of:

  • Characters cannot transfer from PvE realms to PvP realms.
  • RP realms cannot transfer to RP-PvP realms.
  • There are also gold limits depending on your character’s level.

Here are the gold limits based on character levels:

  • Level 10-30 can transfer with up to 100 gold.
  • Level 31-50 can transfer with up to 500 gold.
  • Level 51-60 can transfer with up to 2000 gold.

Please note that these rules were in place as of December 2019, and it’s always a good idea to check the latest rules on the official World of Warcraft website.

If you want to experience PvP gameplay while on a PvE server, you can toggle PvP on or off in capital cities. When you have PvP toggled on, you can engage in world PvP with other players who also have PvP enabled.

Remember, the choice between a PvP and PvE server often comes down to personal preference and playstyle. Enjoy your adventures in Azeroth!

What are the Benefits of transferring to a PvP server?

Transferring to a PvP (Player versus Player) server in World of Warcraft Classic can offer a unique and immersive gameplay experience. Here are some potential benefits:

  • Competitive Gameplay: PvP servers tend to attract players who enjoy direct competition and intense matches. The constant threat of player-versus-player combat can make the game more exciting and unpredictable.
  • Social Interaction: PvP servers often have a strong sense of community. Players can gain fame, interact with others, and even become living legends on their server. Seeing an out-of-battleground rival appearing in a battleground is a unique experience that PvE players will never have.
  • Skill Improvement: The constant threat of PvP combat can incentivize players to improve their character and skills. This can lead to a more engaging and rewarding gameplay experience.
  • Immersion: Some players find that the danger of being attacked by an opposing faction makes the game world feel more alive and immersive. The world feels much more believable and dangerous on a PvP server.

However, it’s important to note that PvP servers also come with their own challenges, such as the potential for ganking (being repeatedly killed by higher-level players), which some players might find frustrating. Therefore, the decision to transfer to a PvP server should be based on your personal preference and playstyle.

How Can I Transfer My Character to a Different Server?

Transferring your character to a different server in World of Warcraft Classic involves a few steps:

  1. Select your character: Choose the character you want to transfer and ensure that you meet the requirements for server transfer.
  2. Purchase a server transfer: Go to the shop or the in-game Shop on the character select screen and purchase the Character Transfers option.
  3. Choose your destination realm: After purchasing the transfer, you’ll be prompted to select the server you want to move your character to.
  4. Complete the transfer: Follow the prompts to complete the transfer.
  5. Enjoy your new realm: Once the transfer is complete, you can log in and enjoy playing on your new server.

Please note that the Character Transfer is a paid service. The process takes up to 24 hours to complete. If you log in before it completes, the transfer may fail and your character may be locked. To unlock your character, you would need to contact Blizzard Support.

There are also some restrictions to be aware of:

  • You cannot transfer a character if you have a pending Great Vault reward.
  • You can transfer a character from one realm to another once every 72 hours.
  • However, if you transfer a character from one account to another, you can perform subsequent transfers (whether to another account or to a new realm) only after 30 days.
  • You cannot transfer a character boosted in the past 72 hours.
  • You cannot transfer a character that isn’t at least level 10.
  • You cannot transfer a character with active auctions on the Auction House.
  • You cannot transfer a character with mail in the mailbox.
  • You cannot transfer a character that has a WoW Token.
  • You cannot transfer a character with caged battle pets.
  • You cannot transfer a character that is a Guild Master.

Remember to check the latest rules on the official World of Warcraft website before initiating a transfer.

Can I change my character’s name during a transfer?

Yes, you can change your character’s name during a transfer in World of Warcraft Classic under certain conditions:

If your character’s name is taken on the destination realm, you will be asked to rename your character at no extra cost. This is applicable when you transfer a character to another WoW account while remaining in the same realm.
The only time you should be prompted to change your character’s name is if you are moving them to a different account or to a new server where the name is already taken.
In some cases, if Blizzard automatically changed their name, upon login they were given the option to change it back to the original for free.

Please note that these rules were in place as of October 2023, and it’s always a good idea to check the latest rules on the official World of Warcraft website.

What are some tips for choosing a new character name?

Choosing a new character name in World of Warcraft Classic can be a fun and creative process. Here are some tips to help you come up with a unique and fitting name:

  1. Reflect Your Character’s Race and Class: Consider your character’s race and class when choosing a name. For example, a Night Elf Druid might have a nature-themed name, while a Human Paladin might have a noble or heroic sounding name.
  2. Think About Your Character’s Backstory: If you’ve created a backstory for your character, consider a name that reflects their history or personality.
  3. Keep It Short and Simple: Shorter names are often easier for other players to remember and type. They also fit better in chat windows and other in-game interfaces.
  4. Avoid Common and Overused Names: Try to come up with something unique. This will help your character stand out and be more memorable.
  5. Check the Naming Policy: World of Warcraft has a naming policy that prohibits certain types of names, such as offensive or inappropriate names, names that include titles or ranks, and names that impersonate Blizzard employees or famous figures from Warcraft lore. Be sure to review the policy before choosing a name.
  6. Try Different Languages: If you’re stuck, try translating words that describe your character into different languages. This can often result in interesting and unique names.
  7. Use a Name Generator: If you’re stuck, there are plenty of name generators online that can help you come up with a name. Just make sure the name you choose fits your character and meets the game’s naming policy.

Remember, the most important thing is that you’re happy with your character’s name. It’s a big part of your identity in the game, so take your time and choose a name that you’ll enjoy seeing and hearing for many hours of gameplay.

Can I change my character’s name later?

Yes, you can change your character’s name in World of Warcraft, but it involves a few steps and some restrictions:

1. Purchase a Name Change: You can change the name of your character by purchasing the Name Change service from the World of Warcraft in-game shop. Please note that this service is not available in WoW Classic Era.

2. Follow the Process: After purchasing the service, you’ll be prompted to select a new name for your character. The name you choose during the Name Change service will be reserved while you wait for the service to complete.

3. Understand the Restrictions: You cannot cancel a Name Change once you have pressed the confirmation button. You cannot change the name of this character again for the next three days. Other players in your realm will be unable to use your previous name for 90 days. Characters on your World of Warcraft account can use your old character name.

4. Consider the Consequences: Your existing mail and auctions will not be interrupted or canceled, but let your friends know that you are changing your name, so they don’t send you mail to the old name. If you are in a guild, your character will remain in the guild and show the new name in the guild roster.

Please note that these rules were in place as of October 2023, and it’s always a good idea to check the latest rules on the official World of Warcraft website.

There are also some unofficial methods discussed by players, such as deleting your character and having a friend create a new character with the same name, then restoring your character. However, these methods may violate Blizzard’s terms of service and could potentially result in penalties, so proceed with caution.

Can I change my character’s appearance as well?

In World of Warcraft Classic, changing your character’s appearance is not officially supported. The game was designed to maintain the original experience of WoW, which did not include the ability to change a character’s appearance after creation.

However, in Modern WoW and Wrath of the Lich King Classic, you can change your character’s appearance at the barber shop. This includes your character’s gender, hair, facial features, and skin color. You cannot change your character’s name or race.

There have been discussions in the WoW community about using addons or modifying game files to change character appearance. However, these methods are generally not recommended as they can violate Blizzard’s terms of service and potentially result in penalties.

Please note that these rules were in place as of November 2023, and it’s always a good idea to check the latest rules on the official World of Warcraft website.

What are some tips for creating a unique character appearance?

Creating a unique character appearance in World of Warcraft Classic can be a fun and creative process. Here are some tips to help you design a character that stands out:

1. Choose a Unique Race/Class Combination: Some race and class combinations are less common than others. Choosing a less common combination can make your character stand out.

2. Experiment with Different Looks: Spend some time on the character creation screen experimenting with different looks. Try out different hairstyles, facial features, and skin colors until you find a combination that you like.

3. Think About Your Character’s Backstory: If you’re into role-playing, think about your character’s backstory. This can influence their appearance. For example, a character who has spent their life in the wilderness might have a rugged, weather-beaten look.

4. Consider Your Character’s Role: Your character’s class and role can also influence their appearance. A noble paladin might have a clean, polished look, while a rogue might look more disheveled and mysterious.

5. Don’t Rush: Take your time on the character creation screen. This is your chance to create a character that you’ll be spending a lot of time with, so make sure you’re happy with how they look.

Remember, the most important thing is that you’re happy with your character’s appearance. Don’t worry too much about what other players might think. This is your character and your adventure, so have fun with it!

What are some popular character customization options?

In World of Warcraft Classic, the character customization options are relatively limited compared to the modern version of the game. However, players still have a variety of choices to make their characters unique:

  • Race and Class: The combination of race and class you choose can greatly affect your character’s appearance.
  • Facial Features: Each race has a variety of facial features to choose from.
  • Skin Color: You can choose from a range of skin colors for your character.
  • Hairstyles: Each race has several unique hairstyles.

In the modern version of World of Warcraft, the character customization options are much more extensive. Here are some popular options:

  • Skin Tones: Players have access to a wider range of skin tones.
  • Hairstyles and Hair Colors: There are more hairstyles and hair colors to choose from.
  • Eye Colors: Players can select from a variety of eye colors.
  • Tattoos and Jewelry: Certain races have unique options such as tattoos, jewelry, beards, scars, or flowers to ornament their hair.

There are also class-specific customization options that players enjoy. For example, Warlocks can have horns, glowy green and red eyes, fel tattoos, and demonic wings. Paladins can have golden glowy eyes, Lightforged tattoos, and light wings.

How to Check My Character’s Current Realm Type?

There are a few ways to check your character’s current realm type in World of Warcraft Classic:

1. Character Selection Screen: The simplest way is to check the realm name on the character selection screen before you select “Enter World”.

2. In-Game Command: You can use the following in-game command to get the name of the current realm you’re logged into:

/dump GetRealmName()

This command will return the name of the realm your character is currently logged into.

3. Chat Channel Setting: Another way is to look into the Chat channel setting, which is the speaker button on the left side of the chat window. Find your name on the list and it should show you the realm.

4. Realm Status Page: You can also check the [Realm Status page ] on the official World of Warcraft website. This page lists all available World of Warcraft realms and has information on whether or not a realm is up or down.

Please note that these methods were in place as of May 2023, and it’s always a good idea to check the latest rules on the official World of Warcraft website.

How can I find a specific guild in my realm?

Finding a specific guild on your realm in World of Warcraft Classic can be done through a few methods:

1. In-Game Guild Finder: You can use the in-game guild finder to search for guilds in your realm. This tool allows you to filter guilds by their focus (such as questing, dungeons, raids, PvP, and role-playing), their peak times, and their atmosphere.

2. Online Guild Directories: Websites like Wowisclassic¹ have directories of guilds that you can search through. You can filter by realm, faction, and guild type to find a guild that suits your playstyle.

3. Community Forums: The official World of Warcraft forums and other community forums often have sections where guilds can advertise for new members. You can browse these posts to find a guild that interests you.

4. In-Game Chat: Guilds often advertise in the in-game chat channels, especially in major cities. Keep an eye on the chat for guild recruitment messages.

5. Ask Other Players: If you see a player from a guild you’re interested in, don’t hesitate to send them a whisper and ask about their guild. Most players are happy to talk about their guild and help you get in touch with the guild leaders.

Remember, finding the right guild can take some time, so don’t rush the process. Consider what you want out of a guild (such as the amount of time you can commit, the activities you enjoy, and your preferred play days and times) and use that to guide your search.

What happens to my guild bank when I transfer?

When you transfer your character in World of Warcraft Classic, the status of your guild depends on whether you are the Guild Master and whether you choose to perform a Guild Master Realm Transfer:

  • If you are the Guild Master and choose to perform a Guild Master Realm Transfer, only the Guild Master character transfers realms. The Guild Master takes the framework of the guild, including the guild vault, level, perks, and completed achievements. The only thing that doesn’t transfer is the guild’s rank structure. You will have to reassign ranks to the new realm.
  • If you are not the Guild Master or if you are the Guild Master but choose to perform a regular Character Transfer, your Guild membership does not transfer with you. You will need to join or create a new guild in your new realm.

Please note that WoW Classic Era and Wrath of the Lich King Classic characters are not eligible for Guild Services. Also, post-transfer, your guild’s old name may be unavailable on the realm for 30 days.


Remember to check the latest rules on the official World of Warcraft website before initiating a transfer.

Can I transfer items from the guild bank to my character before transferring?

Yes, you can transfer items from the guild bank to your character before transferring. Here are some important points to consider:

  • If you are the Guild Master and choose to perform a Guild Master Realm Transfer, only the Guild Master character transfers realms. The Guild Master takes the framework of the guild, including the guild vault, level, perks, and completed achievements. The only thing that doesn’t transfer is the guild’s rank structure. You will have to reassign ranks to the new realm.
  • If you are not the Guild Master or if you are the Guild Master but choose to perform a regular Character Transfer, your Guild membership does not transfer with you. You will need to join or create a new guild in your new realm.
  • You cannot transfer with caged pets in your guild bank. The Guild Master’s Blizzard account must have an authenticator attached for at least seven days before you purchase a Guild Master Realm Transfer or Guild Master Faction Change.
  • You have to withdraw the guild bank for transfers

Please note that these rules were in place as of September 2021, and it’s always a good idea to check the latest rules on the official World of Warcraft website.

What happens to the guild bank after a Guild Master Realm Transfer?

When performing a Guild Master Realm Transfer in World of Warcraft Classic, only the Guild Master character transfers realms. The Guild Master takes the framework of the guild, including the guild vault, level, perks, and completed achievements. The only thing that doesn’t transfer is the guild’s rank structure. You will have to reassign ranks to the new realm.

Please note that you can’t transfer a guild with only one member. The transfer leaves the original guild on the source server and the second member becomes the new guild leader. For guilds with multiple members, this keeps it all intact as they pay to transfer their characters.

Please note that these rules were in place as of June 2023.

What are some tips for joining a raiding guild?

Joining a raiding guild in World of Warcraft Classic can be a rewarding experience, but it’s important to find the right guild for you. Here are some tips to help you find and join a raiding guild:

1. Know Your Commitment Level: Raiding guilds often require a significant time commitment. Be sure you’re ready to commit to the guild’s raiding schedule before you join.

2. Research Potential Guilds: Look up potential guilds on the World of Warcraft forums or community websites. Find out about their raiding schedule, progression, and guild culture.

3. Communicate Effectively: When you apply to a guild, be clear about your experience, your character’s gear and abilities, and what you’re looking for in a guild.

4. Be Prepared for Trial: Many guilds have a trial period where they assess new members. Be prepared to show your skills and commitment during this time.

5. Stay Positive and Be Patient: Joining a raiding guild can be a process. Stay positive, be patient, and don’t be discouraged if you don’t get into your first choice guild right away.

6. Be Respectful: Remember to be respectful to your fellow guild members. A positive and respectful attitude can go a long way in a raiding guild.

7. Ask Questions: Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Whether it’s about the guild’s policies, raid strategies, or something else, asking questions shows that you’re engaged and eager to learn.

Remember, the most important thing is to find a guild that fits your playstyle and schedule.

Can I be in multiple guilds at once?

In World of Warcraft Classic, you can only be in one guild at a time per character. However, you can have multiple characters in different guilds on the same account. This means if you want to be part of multiple guilds, you would need to create additional characters and join the guilds with those characters.

Can I switch my main character between different guilds?

Yes, you can switch your main character between different guilds in World of Warcraft Classic. Here are the steps to do so:

1. Leave Your Current Guild: You can leave your current guild by typing `/gquit` in the chat.
2. Apply to a New Guild: Once you’ve left your current guild, you can apply to a new guild. This usually involves speaking with a member of the guild who has the ability to invite new members.
3. Accept the Guild Invite: If your application is accepted, you’ll receive a Guild invite. You can accept this invite to join the new guild.

Please note that some guilds may have an application process that involves an interview or trial period. Also, keep in mind that switching guilds frequently can potentially impact your reputation on your server.

Remember to check the latest rules on the official World of Warcraft website before initiating a guild switch.

What are some common reasons for leaving a guild?

There can be several reasons why players might choose to leave a guild in World of Warcraft Classic. Here are some common ones:

1. Different Goals: The player’s goals might not align with the guild’s goals. For example, the player might be interested in casual play while the guild is focused on hardcore raiding.

2. Time Commitment: The player might not be able to commit to the guild’s raiding or event schedule.

3. Guild Culture: The player might not feel comfortable with the guild’s culture or social dynamics.

4. Lack of Progress: The player might feel that the guild is not making enough progress in the game.

5. Better Opportunities: The player might have received an offer to join a more progressed or active guild.

6. Conflicts: There might be personal conflicts between the player and other guild members.

7. Inactive Guild: The guild might have become inactive, with few members logging in regularly.

8. Server Transfer: The player might be transferring to a different server.

Remember, it’s important to communicate openly with your guild members and leaders about any issues you’re having. They might be able to help resolve the situation, or at least understand your reasons for leaving.

What are some tips for finding the right guild?

Finding the right guild in World of Warcraft Classic can greatly enhance your gaming experience. Here are some tips to help you find the right guild:

1. Identify Your Goals: Are you interested in raiding, PvP, leveling, or just socializing? Identifying your goals can help you find a guild that aligns with your interests.

2. Research: Look up potential guilds on the World of Warcraft forums or community websites. Find out about their raiding schedule, progression, and guild culture.

3. Ask Around: Don’t be afraid to ask other players for guild recommendations, especially if they share your interests.

4. Trial Period: Many guilds offer a trial period for new members. Use this time to get a feel for the guild’s culture and structure.

5. Patience: Finding the right guild can take time. Don’t rush the process and be willing to try out several guilds before making a decision.

6. Communication: Once you join a guild, communicate with your guildmates and participate in guild activities. This will help you feel more a part of the guild and enhance your overall gaming experience.

Remember, the most important thing is to find a guild that fits your playstyle and schedule.


What are some common guild recruitment terms?

In the context of World of Warcraft Classic, here are some common guild recruitment terms you might come across:

  • Trade Chat: This is the most common recruitment method of every guild. Guilds often post recruitment messages in the trade chat channel.
  • PUG Runs: This stands for Pick-Up Group runs. If a guild plans to raid but doesn’t have a full raiding roster yet, they might conduct guild PUG runs to fill missing slots.
  • Real-Life Friends: Some players might recruit their real-life friends to join their guild.
  • DPS: This stands for Damage Per Second and refers to damage-dealing classes and damage-dealing specs.
  • Threat or Aggro: This refers to enemy attention, which is gained by damage, healing, regen, buffs, and debuffs.
  • TPS: This stands for Threat per Second, which is the amount of threat acquired by a player per second.
  • HPS: This stands for Heals per Second, which is the amount of healing delivered by a player per second.
  • Overhealing: This refers to any healing that goes above 100% of the target’s health.
  • Effective Healing: This is the sum of healing that contributes to the health of the target.
  • AoE: This stands for Area of Effect, which refers to abilities that apply their effect to an area.
  • Cleave: This refers to secondary damage dealt to enemies adjacent to the target.
  • DOT: This stands for Damage Over Time, which refers to abilities like poisons and bleeds that deal damage over time.
  • HOT: This stands for Heal Over Time, which refers to abilities like renewal and rejuvenation that restore health over time.
  • OOM: This stands for Out Of Mana, which is often exclaimed by mana users when they are out of mana.
  • Raid: This refers to instances that require more than 5 players.

Please note that these terms were in place as of August 2019


WoW Classic Server Populations Comparison 2023 vs 2024

Comparing the server populations of World of Warcraft Classic between 2023 and 2024, there are some noticeable changes. Here are some key points:

  • The total number of characters raiding at least once from April 2, 2024, to April 8, 2024, was 182,508, with 53.2% (97,074) on one faction and 46.8% (85,434) on the other.
  • In contrast, the total number of characters raiding at least once from April 2, 2023, to April 8, 2023, was 17,413, with 62.2% (10,833) on one faction and 37.8% (6,580) on the other.

This data suggests a significant increase in the number of active raiding characters from 2023 to 2024. However, the distribution between the factions has become more balanced in 2024.

Please note that these numbers are based on raids uploaded to Warcraft Logs and may not represent the total server population. Also, the data is for a specific week in April of each year, and the population can fluctuate throughout the year.

For more detailed information, you can check the server population reports on websites like

How can I find a server with the right population for my playstyle?

Finding a server with the right population for your playstyle in World of Warcraft Classic involves several steps:

1. Identify Your Playstyle: Are you interested in PvP (Player vs Player), PvE (Player vs Environment), or RP (Roleplaying)? Your playstyle can help you narrow down the type of server you might enjoy.

2. Consider Server Population: Server population can greatly impact your gameplay experience. A high-population server may have long queues to log in and crowded leveling zones, but it can also provide a bustling economy and plenty of opportunities for group activities. On the other hand, a low-population server may offer a more relaxed gameplay environment with shorter queues, but it may also have a less active economy and limited availability of groups for dungeons or raids.

3. Research Faction Balance: For PvP servers, it’s crucial to consider the faction balance. If one faction significantly outnumbers the other on a server, it can lead to a less enjoyable experience for the minority faction.

4. Check Server Directories: Websites like Warcraft Tavern provide server population tools that can give you an idea of the population balance on different servers.

5. Ask Around: Don’t be afraid to ask other players for server recommendations, especially if they share your interests.

Remember, the most important thing is to find a server that fits your playstyle and schedule.

Enjoy your adventures in Azeroth!


  1. World of Warcraft: Guide to Reaching the Dragon Isles in Dragonflight
  2. World of Warcraft Dragonflight Zones Guide: What Locations Exist in the Dragon Isles?
  3. How to Level Up Quickly in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic
  4. WoW Classic Cataclysm Confirms Release Date for May 20th
  5. Top Loot Filters for WoW Classic Installation
  6. Guide to Playing a Warlock Build in WoW WotLK Classic

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